Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Views on Twitter

Is twitter for everyone? Apparently not. @shareski posted a tweet telling his tweeple that somebody wasn't sure if they wanted to stay on Twitter. 
Why one of my students regrets signing up for twitter Was it a mistake? Let her know.
Here's my response to her concerns.

You can visit her original post at:

Very sorry to hear about your bad twitter experience. Living an online life certainly exposes us to some nasty people. I blogged about my experience with an adult mocking my 10 year old son's YouTube book review. You can check it out for part of my take on this whole bashing phenomenon. I have also accidentally been on the other side. Early on in my twitter life I sent some tweets that were meant to be teasing but came across as biting and @craniac has blocked me. Despite several twitter attempts and a couple of email aapologies he won't unblock me. That's his right. It's ours too. Just like in F2F relationships sometimes online relationships go sour. When we put ourselves out there we have to be aware that some people aren't going to like us and may be very nasty about it. My response and my suggetion for others. Move Forward! If the crticism is accurate use it and try to improve if the person is just bashing block, ignore and walk away. We don't contnute to stay around people in our F2F world that treat us badly. Same principle online.
BTW I am mbjorgensen on twitterr

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