Monday, October 20, 2008

Comment on Drape's Takes: Hacking the Curriculum

Hey, one thing folks are not recognizing is the fact that they already tried this. Getting rid of the teacher by creating one expert driven course was how text books were invented. That didn't remove the teacher from the classroom. Another key element to this is that no matter how well a course is created online there is still a need for f2f. I not only know my students but what they are dealing with outside of my subject area. What sports they are involved in, what books they are reading. The f2f or even the social aspect of online interactions are highly valuable. People learn from people they know care.

Interesting side note In a book entitled The Next Fifty Years: Science in the first half of the 21st Century. ( One of the contributors describes a world where place doesn't matter anymore. Where I work becomes about who I want to be around and work with more than the company I work for. He then has a tiny blurb just a paragraph about the idea that schools could be the same way. We no longer need a content expert, what we need is a responsible adult to be present with a group of kids (he is describing elementary schools) to help facilitate their online learning experience. Interesting idea anyway.

Originally posted as a comment by Jorgie on Drape's Takes using Disqus.

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